E-mail TDV@ndvtj.com.cn
Phone 022-59813960-8888

About us

Quality and Environmental Policy

Quality Policy 2022

Nippon Daiya Valve Co., Ltd contributes environmental improvements of the society by engaging in designing, manufacturing and the installation of environmental conscious valves for industrial use.
At the same time, we are aware of and concerned about the environmental impacts of energy/raw material consumption and factory wastes involved in our production activities.
Therefore, the managements and the whole staffs of Nippon Daiya Valve Co., Ltd. together, herein, announce to promote continuous environmental load-reducing.

At any times, being aware of the environmental impacts of any activities related to our products and services, we promote prevention of environmental pollution and continuous improvements of our environmental managing system.

We respect and comply with all the environmental laws, regulations, ordinances and our agreed other environmental requirements.

We promote followings as centerpiece of our environmental activities related to our products and services.

  1. Take efforts to conform customers requirement and enhance customers satisfaction.
    ・ By Ensuring comprehension and its reflection.
    ・ By Ensuring correct production and confirmation
    ・ By Reliable delivery

  2. Promote improvements and developments to apply variety of comers needs

  3. Ensuring comprehension of market trend and maintain products quality To meet the trend.

  4. Execute education plan to improve member’s abilities.

  5. Eradicate carless mistakes by
    ・ By respecting internal rule and regulations
    ・ By commoditizing information and know-how.

To accomplish this policy, we set environmental objectives and targets per departments and we all together promote environmental managements.
In addition, we regularly review the objects and targets and revise if necessary.
We familiarize with not only all of our employs but also with our partner such as our vendors and suppliers and we ask them for their understandings and cooperation.


Eiji Hayashida

President, Nippon Daiya Valve Co., Ltd.

Environmental Policy 2022

We, NDV contribute environment by designing, manufacturing and installation of environmental proof type valves.
On the other hand, the production puts loads to the environments by energy & material consumption and emission of industrial wastes.

We, therefore, by all of our company, making effort to ensure consistency, promote continuous reduction of environmental load.

We, at all time, recognizing environmental effects by our activities, products and services, promote prevention of environmental pollution & environmental promotion and continuous improvement of Environmental Management System.

We, comply with environmental laws, regulations, ordinances and our agreed requirements related to our activities, products and services.

To achieve this environmental policy, we set environmental targets of each departments and maintain the environmental management.
We, also, regularly review and if necessary revise the targets.

We disseminate this environmental policy not only to all of our employee but also our stakeholders such as suppliers, sub-contractors and request their understanding and


Eiji Hayashida

President, Nippon Daiya Valve Co., Ltd.